(814) 244-1479 info@sparksfoundation.net
Educational Success Stories


Engaging Young Minds: Teacher Testimonials

Students had a very positive response to this program. Parents also shared how they like to see their children being very involved when doing the experiments.

John Jay Elementary
John Jay Elementary, Mt. Prospect, IL​

I just wanted to email and let you know how wonderful the SPARKS program went at West Berwick Elementary in Berwick, PA. The presenters had my students’ attention from the start. The effective teaching strategies such as explicit directions, checking for student understanding and attention, calling all students to attention with eyes and hands free, and using hand motions while learning concepts helped my students learn and remain engaged the entire period. Not only were the teaching strategies in place, but the name cards with students’ specialized ‘science’ names were a hit…

Patrick Brown, 4th Grade Classroom Teacher
West Berwick Elementary

I cannot express enough how wonderful this program is! This is an amazing program that you put together for the students. It aligns perfectly to our curriculum. The ladies that come here are very prepared and everything always runs smoothly. It is a pleasure listening to them and I know our students love it. It would be great to have them come back and do different experiments with the students. Thanks so much for doing what you all do!!!

Wendy Campbell (4th Grade)
West Berwick Elementary

My students LOVE the SPARKS program! They are so enthusiastic, talk about our upcoming labs days before hand, love talking about what we’re doing during the lab, and also discussing what happened afterwards! Lindsay, Gray and all the others, you have certainly thought these labs out and made them interesting as well as exciting for my kids! Thank you!!!! I can’t wait to see all the scientists in the future, that first started with S.P.A.R.K.S.!

Ruth Ferraro, 3rd Grade Teacher
School #27 Paterson, NJ

Students were actively engaged and really enjoyed the experiments!

Treniece Woodward, 2nd Grade Teacher
McVey Elementary

On behalf of the faculty, staff, and students of the Panther Valley Intermediate School, please accept our thanks and appreciation for the phenomenal science experience that was brought to our school. We are grateful to UGI Utilities for providing the finances to make this amazing program available to our students.

Faculty, Staff, & Students of the Panther Valley Intermediate School
Panther Valley Intermediate School

Dear S.P.A.R.K.S. Foundation and ENB, Thank you again for the wonderful presentation with our fourth graders. Our students were so engaged by your instruction and the opportunity to do the hands-on activities. Everything was so well-organized and clear. It was a great experience, and they are still talking about it today.

Susanna Grubb
Kissel Hill Elementary

SPARKS is amazing…the level of commitment and dedication the SPARKS team has for our students is greatly appreciated. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, for everything you do for our Whitehall students!

Colleen Leahy, 3rd Grade Teacher
Whitehall Elementary

This is the BEST program EVER. We are from a low-income neighborhood and our students don’t get a chance to explore much. SPARKS/Science Explorers is like a field trip that comes straight to our school…(and virtual this year) I am asked EVERYDAY when is our next science explorer experiment. The staff is amazing and we are truly honored and blessed to have them and their dedication to teaching our students. My kids faces LIGHT UP when SPARKS comes to town!!!!!

Nicole LeFlesh, 4th Grade teacher
School #27

We love SPARKS. It is especially wonderful during this time of virtual learning where the students are not getting hands on lessons. It is amazing to get these investigations into the hands of students who really need it. The kids soooooo look forward to the lessons.

Ann Marie McDonald, 1st Grade Teacher
Whitehall Elementary

During parent-teacher conferences, parents shared how they really enjoyed helping their children with the experiment. They liked how they kids learned some science concepts and got the hands-on experience. They said it was a great activity to help them distract from what is currently going on. As for the students, they really enjoyed the activity and were asking me when will they do another one. They were very proud of their accomplishments with the experiment. I’m very grateful that my students have the chance to experience the S.P.A.R.K.S. lessons.

Mayra Nava, 2nd Grade Teacher
John Jay Elementary

S.P.A.R.K.S. = Supporting Progress in Academic Readiness & Knowledge in S.T.E.M.

Providing interactive, hands-on learning opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math that extend and enhance the traditional elementary science curriculum.

S.P.A.R.K.S. Foundation


1290 Broadcasting Rd, Suite 121, Wyomissing PA 19610

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